Monday 30 December 2013

Lazy Sunday


Jazz (my hubby) memang his favourite place is Putrajaya to bring our sons for outing.
so this post is tribute to him & Putrajaya...
love you yang..

say cheese!!!

tunjuk ape tu Aniq??

suka la buat muka camni tau si Aqil ni..

2 budak botak

my cheeky boy

sorry Aqil, mommy luper to bring along your helmet & elbow pad..
Nasib x injured teruk..just tergolek manja2 jerkk

dahaganyee..jgn luper baca Bismillahirahmanirahim....

tengok budak kenit ni... pandai posing betul la

  In shaa Allah, ada rezeki kita jengjalan macam Hanis Haizi pulak, Europe trip.
Tak kisah pergi memana laa, as long as we go together..

Lots of LOVE
jajajazzyy @ 019 9817435

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